Wednesday 27 April 2016

Hurry along Madame Butterfly

Frances Dorothy Murphy was a regular visitor to New Ferry Butterfly Park for over a decade. She came in the early mornings once every two or three weeks throughout the season, to see how the Park was progressing. Before leaving, she often let us know what wildlife she had seen. She came with different members of her family so they were all familiar with the Park.

Sadly Frances passed away from pancreatic cancer, and her family thought of how best to remember her. They asked could they have a memorial at the Park for her. This was an opportunity to spur the Park on, to create something both stylish and functional. After some discussion, we commissioned a bespoke cycle stand to be used by volunteers and visitors. Ferrous Design Limited of Two Mills produced the stand, the design based on the wings of a large white butterfly. It lies just beyond the green flag, and being white stands out boldly for any approaching cyclist to see. A provision for cyclists is something we have been lacking for many years.

There was a private family viewing and unveiling last week, Hilary Ash being the first to use the bike stand. She had cycled to the event carefully balancing homemade cakes on her bike.

Kay Murphy said "The Butterfly Park was really important to Mum, she loved being one with nature and she found it very peaceful. She loved taking her grandchildren there. The event last Sunday was wonderful and a perfect tribute to Mum - we are made up with the cycle stands and think it's fantastic that the volunteers have it to use. We decided on the quote ‘Hurry along Madame Butterfly’ because my sister takes ages to get going in the morning and this is what Mum used to say to her! The volunteers should be proud of themselves as the Park is just beautiful and lovely to walk round”.

"Thank you for helping us keep Mum's memory alive."

The stand will be publicly unveiled by Phil Gilchrist, Chair of Wirral Active Travel Forum and long-time supporter of the Park, during the Open Day activities on Sunday 1st May at approximately 11.30 a.m. Do come along.

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