Thursday 30 May 2013

State of Nature

A new report has shown that 60% of UK species are in decline. 25 of the UK's conservation and research organisations, including the Wildlife Trusts, worked together to assess the health of the UK's biodiversity.

David Attenborough has written the foreword to the publication. He says, "Although this report highlights what we have lost, and what we are still losing, it also gives examples of how we - as individuals, organisations, governments - can work together to stop this loss, and bring back nature where it has been lost. These examples should give us hope and inspiration."

To read the full report, visit the Wildlife Trusts website.

Monday 20 May 2013

Walk - The History of Dibbinsdale - 25th May

Click on image to view it at a larger size.

A Walk around Dibbinsdale
Saturday 25th May
10 a.m. to 12 noon

The Friends of Dibbinsdale have organised another guided walk, this time looking at the history of the nature reserve. Everyone is welcome and no booking is required.

Monday 13 May 2013

All In A Flutter at Butterfly Park

A record number of 550 visitors were drawn to New Ferry Butterfly Park’s Open Day which heralded the start of the public open season. They were greeted by a golden host of 500 to 600 flowering cowslips on the lime grassland. The Butterfly Park is a Cheshire Wildlife Trust nature reserve.

The Deputy Mayor and Mayoress, Dave and Sue Mitchell, were kept busy as they unveiled the “Butterfly Hut”, created by the Park’s own artist in residence Carol Ramsay. Then the Deputy Mayoress planted some lavender in the herb garden and the recently installed information lecterns were unveiled by the Deputy Mayor. This was fitting as money for these projects came from a “Your Wirral Grant” from Wirral Council.

Pond dipping, making bat hats, BBQ, face painting and eating butterfly themed homemade cakes went down a treat. Visitors were encouraged to select a plant and add it to the new herb garden. Herbs will be available to crop later in the year.

Several butterfly species, the ones that over winter as imagoes (adults), were on the wing. These included Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, Comma and also a Brimstone butterfly, previously a rare visitor to the Park. The first of Park’s Orange Tip butterflies emerged on the Open Day.

Spiderman Phil, recorded 40 species of spider at the park and gave another added interesting dimension to the park. This was a tremendous start to the season.

Although the Park only hosts these festivities once a year, do come along to see the wildlife that attracted all these visitors. You can follow the nature and art trails, watch out for native free flying British butterflies and indulge in the ever popular pond dipping. The Park is open every Sunday 12 - 4pm from now until mid-September. It can be found adjacent to Bebington Station's car park in New Ferry. Volunteer wardens are on hand to help you get the most out of your visit. What’s more it’s free!

Friday 10 May 2013

Dawn Chorus

Wood Warbler. One of the species featured on Tweet of the Day.
Photo: Steve Garvie, Wikipedia

Did you go on the Dawn Chorus Walk at 4.30 am on May 5th, or were you, like me, tucked up in bed?

You can now experience it in the comfort of your own home, at any time, by listening to the Radio 4 programme 'The Living World: Dawn Chorus Day' on the BBC iPlayer.

Who knows you might be inspired to get up early next year and hear it 'live'.

Also worth catching on iPlayer if you don't listen at 6 am, is Radio 4's 'Tweet of the Day'. You can hear 90 seconds of song and information about one bird each day. When you hear that Sir David Attenborough is the narrator you won't be able to resist putting this in your 'favourites'.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Bumble Bee Workshop and Walk - 28th July

Bumble Bee with pollen in its pollen baskets. Photo: Wikipedia

Bumble Bee Workshop and Walk - 28th July
10.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
Royden Park

Join the Ranger and Cheshire Wildlife Trust on this Bumble Bee workshop in the morning, then on a walk to identify the different Bumble Bees that frequent this area.

Meet at the Court Yard/Coach House at Royden Park.

The Tea Servery will be open for refreshments.

Special requirements: Suitable outdoor clothing and footwear. Sorry no dogs.

No need to book.

For more information telephone 0151 677 7594 or email the Ranger.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Ancient Woodland Walk - 11th May

Wood anemone. Photo: Lilly M, Wikipedia

Saturday 11th May
Ancient Woodland Walk

10 a.m. Start

Enjoy a walk through Dibbinsdale Local Nature Reserve looking for Bluebells, Wood Anemones and other plants associated with our ancient woodlands, as well as discovering more about the local history of the area.

No need to book. Meet at Bromborough Rake Station.

For further information, telephone 0151 648 4371.

Bat Survey Workshop - 7th June

The Bat Conservation Trust are running a Field Survey Workshop at Knowsley Safari Park on Friday 7th June. The workshop will focus on species identification and survey techniques.

The workshop is free but booking is essential.

For more information and to book your place click here.