Low water level in the leaking pond |
New Ferry Butterfly Park's popular dipping pond developed a leak last summer, as became obvious once we had some autumn rain. After various failed attempts to find the leak, we have had to take a deep breath and decide to re-line it with a much better (but expensive) pond liner. So the remaining water, plants, sludge with pond life and, of course, newts had to come out into various containers and the nearby ditch!
Plants removed and water pumping has commenced |
Many thanks to EA Technology for loan of a generator, to Richard S for loan of a pump, various people but especially Brian for providing water storage, and the the volunteers who got very wet and muddy on 4th April! By the end of the day we had the pond emptied, several hundred newts temporarily homed in an old bath and the ditch, the pond walls cleared of stones, broken glass, metal, plastic (no valuables, just two 5p pieces), and two layers of underlay installed and taped down. We now have the problem of safely moving the liner itself, 350kg, about 50m across the grass and down into the pond to where we can open it up.
Nearly there. Time for lunch... |
The last few buckets. |
P.S. The liner cost us over £3000, so if you are coming to the Butterfly Park on the Opening Day on 30th April, or any Sunday afterwards, and can spare a little extra money, there will be a collecting pot by the pond.
The underlay for the pond, ready for the liner to be put in place. |