No celebration is complete without a cake. Photo: Richard Ash |
In an earlier post we reported the news of Hilary Ash being awarded the Green Flag Volunteer of the Year award. This is the press release related to it:
Hilary played an
instrumental role in the redevelopment of the New Ferry Butterfly Park in the
Wirral, which is run completely by volunteers, including Hilary.
The park was once
under threat and Hilary was one of a number of key players who helped to save
this valuable site for wildlife. Working alongside organisations such as
Cheshire Wildlife Trust and Wirral Council has led to the regeneration of this
urban wildlife gem which is now thriving.
Hilary has
introduced training days for park wardens to help improve the warden and
visitor experience.
She also holds a
variety of training courses at the park including sedge, grass and bee
identification. Also Schools and uniform groups visit the park regularly; the
park really is a hive of activity.
She promotes the
nature reserve to people of all ages and backgrounds, from Rainbows through to
professionals, educating and entertaining in equal measures.
Photo: Richard Ash |
Paul Todd, Green
Flag Award Manager said: “Congratulations
to Hilary for winning the Green Flag Award Volunteer of the Year. It is clearly
an important park to Hilary but Hilary is also important to the park. It just
shows us how vital the role of volunteer is to our parks and green space up and
down the country.”
Beth Alvey,
Volunteer and Training Manager at Cheshire Wildlife Trust, said: "As a member of our local volunteering
group in Wirral Hilary has made an outstanding contribution to our work. Her
knowledge of local wildlife is incredible and her enthusiasm and dedication is
exemplary. We're really pleased she has been acknowledged in this way – it's a
well-deserved award."
Paul Loughnane,
Honorary Secretary, New Ferry Butterfly Park, said: “Hilary has been a bedrock of the park from the very beginning and continues
to be an inspiration to all our volunteers.
Her dedication, environmental knowledge and sound judgement shine
The surprise presentation of the award
at the Park’s annual community BBQ in front of a large assemble of fellow
volunteers, visitors and family added greatly in celebrating 21 years of the
park being open to the public. We are
all so proud of Hilary’s achievement.
This accolade inspires the volunteers to improve the park even further”.