Monday, 23 July 2018

New Ferry Butterfly Park Pond

Butterfly Park pond 12.7.18

No doubt your gardens are showing the effect of lack of rain and you will have seen the yellow grass verges.

The pond at the Butterfly Park got really low and this was Thursday July 12th. Luckily the centre is about 5 feet deep so there was somewhere for the newts and invertebrates to survive. The recent rain has helped a bit so it is looking better now but still too low to do any pond dipping.

shallow water dish

Don’t forget to put water out in your garden for wildlife. A shallow tray with some pebbles and water helps bees to drink without getting wet.

Monday, 16 July 2018

Local Wildlife Rescue Groups


We sometimes get asked for advice about helping injured animals. Since we look after nature reserves we do not have that sort of expertise so we are very pleased to hear about two Wirral groups who do.

Pawprints Wildlife Rescue have set up their own charity to create a good refuge for wildlife in need​. They dream of opening a wildlife centre of excellence in the heart of West Wirral, supported and endorsed by local and national wildlife experts. It would be open to the public to teach visitors about our native wildlife, while the animals can recover in safety, receive expert clinical care and be safely released to live full and independent lives.

You can call Pawprints for advice on 07747 301 423. Their website can be found at

Their Facebook page is

Wirral Animal Samaritans will help if you find an injured animal. They have a Facebook group where you can post your questions or ask for assistance:

If you want to speak to someone at Wirral Animal Samaritans in person you can ring them on 07484 110127.