Thursday 24 March 2016

Concern Over Application For Badger Cull In Cheshire

Carrying out the badger vaccination programme in Cheshire.
Photo: Tom Marshall

Cheshire Wildlife Trust were deeply worried to learn last month that an expression of interest in a badger culling licence was submitted to Natural England for the first time in Cheshire.

In light of this news, the Trust has made representations to Natural England about the impact of a cull, reiterating their opposition to culling and advocating badger vaccination as one of a range of measures to tackle the spread of Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB).

Charlotte Harris, Chief Executive at Cheshire Wildlife Trust, said: "Cheshire Wildlife Trusts is opposed to the culling of badgers and we're extremely concerned to learn an application for Cheshire has been submitted to Natural England for the first time.

"The culls to-date have been found to be repeatedly flawed in their methodology, measures and objectives – they missed their targets, were expensive and their impact on the TB problem, if any, is uncertain.

"We believe that controlling the spread of the devastating disease Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) in cattle requires implementation of a package of measures and we advocate alternatives to badger culling – we're one of a number of local organisations, including Wirral and Cheshire Badger Group and Chester Zoo, that have been carrying out a badger vaccination programmes in Cheshire.

"We are sympathetic to the farmers whose cattle are affected by this devastating disease, but we urge the Government to consider the scientific evidence which indicates that the cull will not significantly reduce Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) in cattle."

You can add your name to The Wildlife Trusts' e-petition against the cull:

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